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Blackboard entry by Stephanie Helou

A Creative Pool project by Stephanie Helou (Argentina)


Exquisite Collective started off as a platform to enable the exchange and interaction between artists, designers, photographers and creatives from all over the world. We are interested in knowing what they are up to and giving exposure to their work.


Among Surrealist techniques exploiting the mystique of accident was a kind of collective collage of words or images called the cadavre exquis. Based on an old parlor game, it was played by several people, each of whom would write a phrase on a sheet of paper, fold the paper to conceal part of it, and pass it on to the next player for his contribution.


Since people from all over the world have been called, we asked them to illustrate something that represent their nationality. Flags and other typical symbols are not be accepted. We are trying to encourage participants to reflect their relationship with their motherland from an everyday perspective. Inspiration can be taken from films, stories, literature, paintings, etc.

Joins us! Looking forward to your contribution too.

Stephanie Helou, founder of Exquisite Collective & owner at Helou Studio.

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