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Blackboard entry by Stephanie

A Creative Pool project by Stephanie

I am an Argentinian Graphic Designer. I enjoy very much what I do; I love Fashion, Art, Architecture, light, geometry, perspective, water, animals, astrology, rythm, music, chocolate and poetry.

I belive in complexity, discipline, in making decisions and taking chances. Learning, discovering, experimenting. I care more about the process rather than results, in understanding a problem rather than coming up with a preset solution.

Being a designer, to me, is being part of the world, keeping oneself sensitive to changes, to movement and flows. Having the ability not to lose curiosity and always allowing ourselves to be surprised. Being a designer is asuming an active role in life, building our destiny, making our own way... And, please, remember: Design is a verb!


I am always interested in collaborating in different projects, so do not hesitate to contact me. Kind regards from Argentina.