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Blackboard entry by Nous Vous

A Creative Pool project by Nous Vous

Nous Vous's BIG FIRE exhibition @ Jaguar Shoes Nous Vous is a Creative Studio made up of Nicolas Burrows, Jay Cover, William Edmonds and Tom Hudson. They originally came together in 2006 to form a social 'drawing club', but have since evolved into other things. They exhibit both as individual artists and as a group, while working together as designers and illustrators on commercial projects. They still site that making the work together is the most important element in their practice 'BIG FIRE' is an exhibition of new work, exploring the four Nous Vous artists' individually and as a group. This exhaustive archive of the spewn-out contents of four brains repeats, copies, reworks, parodies, emulates, trashes and pokes fun at itself through the myriad images on display Private Viewing & Launch : 22nd January 09, 7pm till late Closing date: 1st March 09 DreamBagsJaguarShoes, 32 Kingsland Road, London, United Kingdom. Would be lovely to see you there, Many thanks, NOUS VOUS